Being busy is something I enjoy. I like being productive, but I always ensure I take breaks in between tasks. One of the advantages of working from home is that I can relax whenever I want. My busy days often involve work, side hustles, and household chores. How about you? Are you always busy?
Are you always busy?
My step children are enough.Check out our other great features, such as OT Blogs, OT Articles, and OT Groups.🥰 1Comment
I have a few step kids. The youngest is going to be 19 on Sunday. She is in college so she is living at home. I love her as my own and boy and his wife. too. But I'm kind of glad I don't have any kids of my own. I know that might sound bad to those with kids but I'm pretty happy without them.
My step children are enough.
You might not know it but you're indirectly avoiding and preventing a clash of interest by not having kids of your own because there might be a chance of feeling more connected to your own kid on the long run which might create a rift in the family.Comment
I'm not as busy now.
I used to say yes to everything. Now I'm learning to say no.
I just bought a brand-new truck and payments are high. Because of that, I've cut down on a lot of spending and also a lot of projects that typically result in spending money with no ROI.
For example, I had about 62 domain names with WIP websites projects on them. Now I've cut it down to 14 with sites that are either making money or are hobbies. My forums are hobbies so I'm not too pressed to monetize them.
But since I've made these cuts, I've given myself more time to myself which is kind of nice.Check out our other great features, such as OT Blogs, OT Articles, and OT Groups.Comment
I would say that I am busy 90% of the time each day. I much prefer to keep myself busy and always like to be doing something productive.
It's crazy as I always remember when I was a kid, I always used to complain I was bored and nowadays, I never have time to be bored.Comment