What was your first cell phone?
First cell phone
First cell phone
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I had the Zach Morris phone—the Motorola DynaTAC—the original mobile brick. It was so heavy, I’m pretty sure my biceps got ripped just holding it up to my ear. Back then, calls were $.50 a minute from 7 AM to 7 PM, so I basically used it as a glorified paperweight during the day. After 7 PM, it dropped to a luxurious $.25 a minute,.
Because I was obviously the coolest kid on the block (read: “ridiculous”), I had a pager and an answering service to really solidify my 15 year old tech overlord status. I mean, nothing says “baller” like being beeped at random while holding a phone the size of a cinderblock.
Then came the BlackBerry era. Oh, I was hooked. If BlackBerry made it, I owned it—except for their pagers and those tragic Android models that sent the brand straight into the tech graveyard.
And here’s the kicker: I STILL have a pager, and, plot twist, it STILL WORKS.